Speaker | Inclusion Strategist | Author

In this solo episode, Amber dives deep into the intricacies of confidence, impostor syndrome, and the importance of speaking up. She shares her unique perspective on why confidence often comes from pushing past discomfort and embracing honest, direct communication. 

Drawing from personal experiences and insights, Amber discusses the difference between confidence and arrogance, while offering practical solutions for those struggling with impostor syndrome. Amber also tackles the challenge of difficult conversations, emphasizing that being uncomfortable is necessary for personal and professional growth. She highlights the importance of being liked versus respected and trusted, illustrating how confidence can lead to becoming a better version of yourself.

Struggling with your confidence? Tune in and learn how to overcome it.


  • – On navigating confidence, impostor syndrome, and speaking up

    – The importance of being honest and direct

    – Being uncomfortable: Ways to approach difficult conversations

    – The difference between confidence and arrogance 

    – Amber’s perspective on impostor syndrome 

    – Some solutions to deal with impostor syndrome

    – Remember: confidence > arrogance; push past discomfort, and speak up!


“Confidence is how other people see you. It isn’t really something that I think exists in your own body.” – Amber Cabral

“When we are being confident, we are sharing our ideas, we are still being considerate of how people will receive them, we are thoughtfully constructing messages that are going to be impactful, but create space for flexibility in conversation.”  – Amber Cabral


Amber Cabral 

    • Leadership + Equity Consultant & Keynote Speaker | Cabral Co

Cabral Co

Cabral Co. partners with organizations to develop strategies, training, workshops, and learning experiences tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Our objective is to aid organizations in achieving a culture of inclusive leadership, respectful communication, and authentic connectivity.

Book a Discovery Call: https://cabralco.as.me/discoverycall

Grab a copy of Amber’s books at Amazon! 


The Guilty Privilege Podcast is produced by EPYC Media Network


I am a professional speaker, award-winning inclusion strategist, certified coach, and author of two books, Allies and Advocates, (Wiley, 2020) and Say More About That (Wiley, 2022).  I recently delivered a TED Talk sharing 3 Steps to Better Connect with Your Fellow Humans, and I host a bi-weekly podcast called Guilty Privilege.

Formerly a Diversity Strategist at Walmart Stores, Inc., I founded Cabral Co., an equity and inclusive leadership focused consulting firm, to help organizations ignite behavior shifts that create inclusive workplace cultures.

Passionate about developing the next generation of decision-makers, I also support a myriad of non-profit organizations committed to promoting equitable diverse representation. I am the chair of Brown Girls Do, an organization that empowers women and girls in the arts across the globe.

I teach and speak on a variety of inclusion, culture and social justice topics. Through my work, I have been featured on television and in both print and digital media. In my free time, write articles focused on inclusion, culture, equity and working-class life.