The Guilty Privilege Podcast Blog

Privilege is all around you. Everywhere you go, everything you say, every decision you make is a reflection of the privilege that you have. And more often than not, privilege is seen as a bad thing or something to feel guilty about, but it in fact can be a powerful tool to create massive impact & change if used right.

Welcome to the Guilty Privilege podcast. Hosted by me, Amber Cabral. I am an award-winning Inclusion Strategist, certified coach, speaker, author, and former Diversity Strategist at Walmart Stores, Inc.  This podcast is a space for you to learn all about your privilege and how you can use it to make an impact in your day-to-day life. In these episodes, I am joined by thought leaders from a myriad of spaces to share what equity means to them, how they have achieved equity, and what you can do to be a part of the equity movement.  And to get to equity we have to stop getting allyship wrong, and start taking responsibility for our privilege. 

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